Dentures have always had a bad reputation for being unreliable. In truth, when fitted properly, they can be incredibly secure. However, as time passes, your jawline changes making your dentures fit less securely. Fortunately, a practical solution can permanently affix your dentures without messy gels. At Gomez Family Dentistry, Pensacola, Florida, Drs. Gina & Christopher Gomez can secure your smile with natural-looking and durable implant-supported dentures.
You can now experience how dental treatments change how people think about dentures. Implant-supported-dentures offer the very best support and stability, allowing you to live your life without worrying about embarrassing moments. Using implants as secure anchors, we can eliminate the need for messy adhesives and shifting movement when you eat or talk. You can regain your self-confidence while showing off your fantastic smile.
Gomez Family Dentistry strategically positions high-quality titanium dental implants throughout your jawbone to achieve optimal support for your dentures. Over time, these posts will fully integrate with your jawbone, creating a highly-durable artificial tooth root that can support your dentures.
The dentures use high-quality acrylic material, offering a more life-like look and better function. And these next-generation dentures don’t just rest on your gums; instead, they use a new latching system that allows them to attach to your dental implants securely. Thanks to this game-changing design, your dentures will work just like natural teeth while giving you unrivaled comfort and stability as you live your best life.
After about a month of healing, our team of skilled dental experts will capture impressions of your smile, allowing us to create the best-fitting and -looking dentures custom-made just for you. These dentures will offer superior comfort and functionality, second to none.
Implant-supported dentures can last for decades with proper care and maintenance.
The cost of your new investment will largely depend on different factors, such as specific elements of your treatment and the benefits covered by your dental insurance policy. To provide you with the most accurate estimate, we encourage you to discuss your goals, expectations, and budget with Drs. Gina and Christopher Gomez.
During your visit, you can also discuss any concerns and learn more about every aspect of your treatment. Both doctors will be more than happy to answer all of your questions. We strive to ensure that you leave feeling well-informed and confident before undergoing any procedure.
We will also help you create a personalized hygiene game plan to help you get the most out of your new smile.
Learn more about the transformative power of full-arch replacement with implant-supported dentures at Gomez Family Dentistry: our dental specialists, Drs. Gina and Christopher Gomez look forward to sharing their expertise and helping you rediscover your radiant smile.
Contact us at (850) 429-4664 to book an appointment at our office at 2915 E Cervantes St., Pensacola, FL 32503.
We take tremendous pride in serving the lovely communities of Pensacola, Perdido, Fort Walton Beach, Pace, Cantonment, Pensacola Beach, Milton, Navarre, Crestview, and Gulf Breeze, FL.